Video content: why it’s important and how it can boost your brand

Video content: why it’s important and how it can boost your brand

Video content: why it’s important and how it can boost your brand

Video content is rapidly becoming one of the most effective forms of marketing today, with 86% of businesses using videos to sell their products or services.

When using Facebook ads, an ​​eCommerce marketing agency will almost always use videos to promote the product. Some even offer video services to help produce quality content that your potential customers will love.

Keeping up with trends

The CEO of Instagram recently announced that the app would be geared towards video content going forwards, which is no surprise considering the introduction of reels last year to compete with video content giant TikTok.

In 2020, TikTok was the most downloaded app on the Apple app store, second to Youtube, which says volumes about users’ preference for video content, and even more about the device they’re using.

Mobile users are 1.4 times more likely to watch an ad on their device than desktop users and more likely to pay attention to the content of that ad.

Short and snappy

The average millennial has an attention span of 12 seconds, and Gen Z even less at just 8 seconds. This means your video content has to be engaging and attention-grabbing from the start.

The suggested length of any video on social media is 15 seconds, while ads allow videos up to 30 seconds. Your ads have to get to the point quickly while offering the user a reason to continue watching. Whether that’s solving a pain point or providing entertainment.

An eCommerce agency will always suggest ways that their clients produce quality videos optimised to be 30 seconds long, squeezing in all the relevant information effectively without being overwhelming.

Videos ads that have proven to be the most successful show a human face talking to the camera in the first shot of the video, and have to have a personal feel that is unique to that brand, so consider prioritising these elements in your videos.

Videos market themselves

The beauty of video content is that if viewers find it worth watching, they will naturally share it with their friends. When asked if they would share a branded video with friends, 76% of users said they would if the video was entertaining.

Prioritise making creative, engaging video content to share online and watch engagement grow. Consider making behind-the-scenes videos or explanatory videos that show off your products. Anything that gives the user more information about your unique brand while being funny, informative or inspirational is likely to capture the user’s attention.

Suppose you’re unsure of how to create these videos. In that case, eCommerce marketing agencies can offer advice on how to optimise each video for different platforms to achieve the best results.

Good for the consumer…

… good for the company.

By placing a video on a landing page with more information about the advertised service or product, conversion rates can increase by 80%. Including a video in an email can increase the click-through rate by up to 300%.

So not only does video content provide a better experience for the customer, but it also has a positive effect on conversions.

As Google focuses on finding the most relevant content according to the user’s search term, ads that have a quality video on the landing page often appear higher in the search rankings, as Google tries to serve them the most informative page.

In summary: if you haven’t started making video content for your brand, then you’re falling behind.

Start by creating compelling product videos for advertising purposes, and then branch out into making creative, entertaining content for social media. In some cases, innovative, organic videos can be the most effective in building trust with your audience and could even see the most significant increase in conversions.

Either way, get started making content or hire an eCommerce agency to make them for you and reap the rewards.


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