Pros and Cons of Becoming a Model

Pros and Cons of Becoming a Model

Pros and Cons of Becoming a Model

There are many positive and negatives when it comes to the model industry. It is up to you to decide whether the pros outweigh the cons.


  • Travel around the country or even the world.
  • Meet lots of interesting and potentially famous people.
  • Earn lots of money if you work hard.
  • Be the first to wear gorgeous designer clothes with even a few freebies.
  • A healthy diet and exercise routine will make you feel great.
  • You get to do your dream career that you are passionate about.


  • All models need to be aware of scam artists throughout their careers.
  • Long hours with early starts and late finishes.
  • Low pay until you become a successful model.
  • Rejection happens to both new and established models.
  • Work is very sporadic with models not finding work for weeks.
  • Not seeing family for long periods of time.


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