What are the different types of designer jobs

What are the different types of designer jobs

Designers have a huge impact on the appearance and function of everything around you, from the schematics of a new car to the graphics on a billboard. There are many different types of designer jobs that incorporate complex technical skills, so many people interested in design choose to specialize to become an expert in one particular area. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in design, it is important to understand the different career paths you can take and how each can suit your unique skills and interests.

In this article, we review the responsibilities of a designer and explain some of the most popular types of design careers.

What is a designer?

A designer is a person who creates visual representations of concepts and ideas. Designers work to create unique solutions for various client and customer needs, considering aesthetics, functionality and other requirements to make their design unique. They often edit and streamline existing designs to provide a better user experience or produce different results.

Designers regularly collaborate with other people on a design team in addition to project managers and clients who provide the inspiration for their work and approve their final vision.

Why pursue a career in design?

The design field is constantly changing to adapt to new client needs and appeal to more customers, making it an ideal career for ambitious people who thrive when faced with new challenges. People who have a natural ability to solve problems have a high potential to succeed within the field of design, where they can visualize the best way to appeal to a particular audience. Many types of designer jobs allow you to pursue your ideas and interests, allowing you to directly influence the outcome of a project based on what visually appeals to your style and aesthetic.

What are the different types of designer jobs?

Designers can work in a variety of fields including technology, manufacturing, marketing, business and entertainment. Some of the different types of designer jobs you can pursue if you are interested in a creative career are:

  • Video game designer
  • Fashion designer
  • Web designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Interior designer
  • Architectural designer
  • UI designer
  • UX designer
  • Product designer

1. Video game designer

Primary duties: Video game designers develop concepts for characters, game mechanics, visual effects, storylines and settings then use programming skills to make each of those elements part of a functioning video game. Video game designers need to have a strong grasp of computer science and a highly creative perspective that incorporates elements of storytelling with fun and engaging gameplay.

Some video game designers may focus more on visual elements of the game such as character design, while others may focus on user experience such as the layout of a level.

2. Fashion designer

Primary duties: Fashion designers draw and create wearable items like clothes and accessories. Fashion designers often get a specific degree in fashion design to learn about the process of making clothing. They use their knowledge of different techniques and types of textiles to visualize the most flattering or interesting way to produce a specific garment. Fashion designers can create functional clothing for daily wear, unique runway pieces or entire collections based around a common theme.

3. Web designer

Primary duties: Web designers, also known as interactive designers, are responsible for planning and building websites, including writing code, selecting a color palette, creating a readable layout and adding graphics. Web designers build different functions into web pages depending on client needs, requiring them to have strong technical web development skills in addition to artistic abilities. They test and maintain website function by running tests to anticipate any possible user errors that could reduce the effectiveness of the website’s purpose.

4. Graphic designer

Primary duties: Graphic designers create visual representations of ideas through images like logos, packaging, business cards and advertisements. They focus on creating the most visually pleasing appearance for a product, business or idea. Graphic designers must understand the elements of art to create an attractive design that tells a story about what it represents and seamlessly conveys ideas to viewers. Graphic designers help develop the image of brands and determine what types of colors, shapes, text and effects should represent a product.

5. Interior designer

Primary duties: Interior designers develop concepts for the spaces where people work, live and gather. They often design the different elements of a home, office or other building to suit a client’s unique taste. Interior designers must be able to combine small details to create an overall effect within a room or building. Businesses rely on interior designers to help them build a productive, welcoming workspace that suits their brand and aesthetics. Interior designers create the visual layout for entire rooms and may collaborate with architects when developing their designs.

6. Architectural designer

Primary duties: Architectural designers draw plans for buildings, structures and public places. They can create models and draw plans based on an architect’s original ideas. Architectural designers work with engineers to determine the exact specifications of their designs and create the most accurate models possible. They create floorplans and blueprints both on paper using drawing skills and on the computer with modeling software.

7. UI designer

Primary duties: UI or user interface design is a part of UX design, but UI designers focus specifically on how customers visually interact with a product. They consider al of the ways a user interacts with a product and use visual clues to make their product more accessible and intuitive. UI designers can work on apps, websites and products with a physical interface like a television or tablet.

8. UX designer

Primary duties: UX or user experience designers focus exclusively on how customers interact with a product or service. UX designers do extensive research on how people experience a product, then brainstorm solutions for improving that experience. They develop insight into their ideal customer’s feelings, requiring them to be empathetic and strategic when creating a design. UX designers work in all phases of a product’s design, collecting and implementing feedback in response to their research.

9. Product designer

Primary duties: Product designers create the appearance and specifications of physical products, ranging from household items to electronics and large machinery. They ensure that a product is functional and look for the most efficient way to complete a task or solve a problem with their design.

Product designers must have an intimate knowledge of the materials they need to create a product, who will use the product and what they will use the product for. They collaborate with engineers and other designers to develop detailed blueprints and create a prototype of the final product.



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