
Innerblack agency

Category Archives: Our partners



Upon completion of the registration process InnerBlack will create a profile for each new member of our community. Each member will complete a survey questionnaire that will tell us more about you and help us create the right profile for you to officially start the 5 months development phase of your contract with us. We will assign a team leader based in talent category, location and level of experience.

The documentation serves as individual templates for our agency to serve you better, and also develop the optimal pathway that is designed to suit the individual needs and wants if our unique talents.



Welcome to InnerBlack we are a talent agency with the vision to promote black creativity to the world. Our community hopes to inspire talented individuals to produce and develop their creative abilities by creating an enabling environment where all talents are appreciated and exhibited globally creatives who requires our services can do so by becoming a partner of InnerBlack.

once payment has been made and verified we will send an email to within 24hrs which will begin your on boarding process with the agency for a period on 1 year.



Customer satisfaction is one of the biggest aspect of any business, to ensure that our customers are satisfied with our services and operations. We have integrated and online collaboration application that let us manage our partner’s work together with them and communicate with one another.

We use the software to keep track of all the tasks, deadlines, files, discussions and announcements that happen around innerBlack projects our partners are engaged in. This is done to ensure that there is a smooth and successful execution of the project.

E portfolio

E portfolio

The emergence of the internet and the worldwide web as well as modern technology has seen a rapid rise in the use of e portfolio, becoming more popular than paper portfolio.

An E folio is basically a portfolio, that has content which is created digitally and stored electronically as the name suggests.
The E portfolio can be defined as a range of original and different verification that showcase the activities, events, achievements and learning of an individual or organization over a period of time in a digital archives like innerblack.

The e folio has a number of uses as a tool of learning, reflections, and professional experience, achievement, growth and career advancement. It can also be used to develop and create job specification, job adverts and job display.

E portfolio has 3 main types, they are the standard- based, showcase and social-networking :These types of E portfolios are used by business institutions, schools, fashion agencies and various other institutions.

The e folio can be applied to different perspective and applications. It has advantages in community networking and community learning network, employee recruitment, development and management, assurance of products and services.
These advantages are available to both individuals and organisations as well as communities of professionals.