
Innerblack agency

Category Archives: Partnership program


The agency does not guarantee work as ultimately, we are not the ones who selects you. Our job is to represent you and put you forward for work that suits your skill set. From there, the client or Casting Director will select who they want to audition or hire based on the suitability for the project


In line with our technology based operations, partners who are still undergoing the 5 months development program are represented by an online agent.

Upon successful completion of the 5 months Development program, our partners are assigned agent through our agency affiliate franchise within their geographic region agency. By actively promoting our partners we secure their professional services based on their skill set and experience.


We pride our agency as a technology savy brand that has implemented into our systems a remote hiring software to allow for ease of operation between the agency and or partners and affiliate partners


The agency executes varieties of creative projects and services that reflect our professional, innovative and artistic production. Our projects are divided into internal and external projects

Internal projects
These projects are in- house production that are carried out by our partners exclusively from our community.

External projects
Our external projects refer to the use of our creative services and productions in various capacity by our clients.


InnerBLACK agency offers 2 types of contracts to our partner based on working experience and relationship between the agency and our partner. This contracts are non- exclusive and exclusive contracts

Nonexclusive contrast

This contract is available to all our new partner who signed up to become a partner of the agency. The non exclusive contract offered by the agency is divided into 2 phases which are talent development phase and professional services phase.

This contract allows the partners to be represented by other Agency or get work through third party agreements

Exclusive contracts

InnerBLACK agency exclusive contracts is reserved for and only given to agency professional after completion of compulsory one year non exclusive become a partner program.

Partners who are contracted exclusively to the agency can only be engaged in productions and projects on behalf of the agency.